
On the next Outlook Portland (Sunday, 6:30am, on NW32 TV)…

Since 1961, Burgerville has been a part of Northwest life, starting at a single address in Vancouver and growing to more than 35 locations throughout Washington and Oregon. This year, the restaurant celebrates its 50th anniversary, and what was true fifty years ago is true today: ask anyone in this part of the world–they’ll have a favorite item on the Burgerville menu.

On this Sunday’s Outlook Portland, we’ll be joined by Burgerville USA‘s President and CEO, Mr. Jeff Harvey; he’ll talk about the restaurant’s founding, evolution, and freakishly-delicious onion rings. We’ll also speak with Daniel Cogan, General Manager of Burgerville’s Montavilla location…and, as a side note, I’ll solemnly vow to never again tape Outlook Portland on an empty stomach.

The show will also feature another “Outlook Portland Editorial Reply”, brought to you by our marquee sponsor, Things From Another World. This week’s guest editorialist: Vince from the zombie-themed graphic novel Walking Dead.

Outlook Portland, Sunday at 6:30am, only on NW32 TV…the home of Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, and Rick Emerson.